Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chocolate Salami (Salame de chocolate) - no baking required

Hi everyone.... I can't believe it has been since last year,  I posted last.  I have a lot of things going on now and most of my time I'm focusing on my stamps and crafting, which is fun also.  Anyways here is a yummy treat that I would like to share with you.  This is an old recipe which it has been in the family for many many years.  I hope you can try it yourself. 

Ingredientes for Chocolate salami

1 can condensed milk 
half package of Maria cookies (you can use any cookie you like) 
2 egg separated 
1 tbs of butter
2 tbs of milk chocolate
foil paper

1. In a small pan,  mix in the following ingredients condensed milk, yellow eggs, and chocolate mix. 

2.  Crush your cookies 

3.   Low flame mix in to the mix the 2tbs of butter for 25 to 30 minutes until it becomes a little thick 

4.   Mix the cookies into the mix

5.   Spread the mix in the foil paper and roll it tightly. 

6.  Store in the freezer for 2 hours or until it hardens. 

7. Cut into slices and serve. 

I hope that you enjoy my post today. 

Bom Apetite!!


  1. This looks super yummy!

  2. Yummy! And so super easy!!! It's been a while sweety!! Glad to see you back!!


  3. I loved it.I do with my daughter Sofia. Thanks for the comment on my blog.
    Ana Valéria

  4. Looks delicious! I will have to give this a try!
